Graduate Plan of Study

A graduate student's Plan of Study must be completed and approved before the beginning of the second semester in residence. Department graduate program coordinators will notify the student if their department has an earlier deadline. The plan serves as a record of the student's intentions, an indicator of the likely time-to-degree, and as an official acknowledgment of the advisor's and committee members' approval of the student's plan. The form can be accessed and changed by the student after initial approval, but any changes must be approved by the advisor and committee.

Students should see an advisor and should contact all potential members of their committee before filling out their plan. This procedure will ensure that delays in approval of a projected plan of study do not occur.

Students should use their KU Online ID and password to log in to the online Plan of Study system.

Detailed instructions can be found here.

Login Instructions


Students should use their KU Online ID and password to log in to the online Plan of Study system. Students who do not have a registered KU email account will need to register one before logging into the system.

Committee Members

KU Faculty should use their KU Online ID and password to log in to the online Plan of Study system. Committee members who do not have a KU Online ID or are at KUMC should use the login information previously sent to their registered email account.

Login Assistance

If you are unable to log in, please contact Hal Beckerman,